

Twilight Costume?

Q:Twilight Costume?

Okay so I'm going to the Barnes and Noble opening of "Breaking Dawn." what would be some great spooky costume ideas? I need something that i can make by MYSELF! Some great crafty ideas PLEASE!!! I want to win the costume contest SO BAD!!!

ppl who don't know what Twilight is like it has:Vampires, Werewolves, and anything spooky!!

OH! You could go as Jane it wouldn't really matter your height you just need the cloak and try to make your face pale and purple under your eyes.If you were contacts you could get the red ones but i don't think you should go that far.Oh, and put alittle fake blood at the side of your mouth so i looks like you just hunted.
In fact,you can buy a costume from a store who is professional.more and more store sell the costume about the movie.If you want to buy the best one ,I think you should buy it from,  some friends told me the online store is reliable and can try it.

