

Movie costume !!

Q:How to get costumes for movie?

want costumes that look just like normal clothes
But will I get in trouble if some brand recognizes their design?
Do I have to get permission from clothing brands, or if I buy clothes from Macy's or something do I have to ask them if I can use their clothes

A:  No you will not get into trouble you are purchasing these clothes, now if you what a certain look for a character sometimes you can get free clothing or samples from the designer, but you have to ask for them and usually a professional business relationship need to have been established to get them for free.
      Of course ,you can buy the movie costumes in website,now,more and more company start design the movie costutme,such as:,some guys said that this website is very good,they make it by hands.try to visit it ,maybe some surprise waiting for you!!

